Friday, August 8, 2008

It's finally done!

This post is dedicated to my wonderful family!
Thank you for all you have done to help me get where I am today. All the time and effort you have given me through the years and the past few months. Thank you for supporting me from the very beginning. Thanks to all those that stayed up with me and let me cry on their shoulders that encouraged me when I wanted to give up. Believed in me no matter what!

Thank you Mark, for putting up with me, late at night when I was freaking out over something that seemed really big at the time, but really was small in the end. Thank you for letting me spend a little extra money to make my room feel more complete. For putting up with late night take out or lack of sleep so I could get one more thing complete. Thank you for your prayer and blessings to helped me get through school and life. Thank you for just being there!

Thank you Mom, for putting up with me from the very beginning of things. Thanks for putting up with my melt downs and still encouraging me to keep going. You never gave up on me. Thank you for the hours of cutting and coloring and other time and effort you put into projects to make me stand out and helped me go above and beyond. Thank you for still helping me when I get frustrated and take it out on you even though you didn't deserve it. Thank you for your creativity and pushiness. Those little things you pushed me to do really did make all the difference. Thank you for all the hours you have spent and the money you have spent. And also even though I said I didn't want it, thank you for the fish in my room.

Thank you Dad, for supporting me and encouraging to keep going in your own special way. Thank you for, letting mom be gone all the time to help me. Thank you for not shooting her when she bought another thing for me and my classroom. Thank you for coming after work to help mark the cupboards in my room it really made a difference. Thanks for coming and examining the globe in my room or providing comic relief when we have been working in my room. Thank you for all you have done.

Thank you Amanda, for your willingness to help out. Thank you for all the hours and hours you have put into making posters, and post cards, and writing my class list 500 times on 50 different things. Thank you for dragging your boys to my classroom to help me put up bulletin boards. Thank you for all of your encouraging remarks and telling me how proud you are of me. Thank you for letting me call you or text you all the time just so I can ask you what you think about putting a certain sign in my room. Thank you for always being the big sister that wasn't afraid to be honest with me. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

Thank you Cameron, for letting me steal your wife time and time again. Thank you for taking the boys all day on a Saturday so Amanda could spend more time helping me.

Thank you Tait, Blake and Miles, for enduring hours and hours of time in a small classroom watching movies on a little TV while your mom and I set up my room. Thank you Tait and Blake for sharpening all the pencils in my classroom. Thank you for trying your very hardest to be extra good while we completed just one more thing, in hopes that Aunt Rosie would keep her word and take you out to the playground. I owe you a few hours on the playground. Thanks for hanging in there.

Thank you Mike and Becky, for being willing to help out in any way. To come up to help me organize books even if it fell through. Thank you for your willingness Becky to cut out hundred of word wheels while we camped. Thank you for always being interested in what I was doing and how the classroom was coming. Thanks for just being willing to talk about school.

Thank you to my grandparents, for supporting me through the years and always being there to encourage me. Thank you Grandma Winnie for always asking how the classroom is going and telling me what a wonderful teacher I will be and how proud you are of me. Thank you for giving me a love of reading and all the books you have given me over the years. Thank you!

Thank you to all the other people that have helped and supported me along the way.

I am so very lucky my Heavenly Father blessed me with such a kind, loving and supportive family. I wouldn't be who I am today if I didn't have them! I hope that by me reaching my goal to become a teacher I help a few others feel like they too have reached a goal. I hope I can help and encourage anyone else to reach for the stars and make their dreams a reality.

This slide show is for all those that helped me reach my dream!


The Proctors said...

Rosie, your room really looked awesome! You are going to be an amazing teacher and I would love to have my future kids in your classroom! You are awesome and thanks for letting me help you, although I don't feel like I was able to help tons, you made me feel like I did. Thanks, and GOOD LUCK!

Amanda said...

Rosie, you are going to be one awesome teacher! I'm not just saying that because I'm your sister, either! You really are one of my role models. I'm amazed at all you've accomplished. I'm so proud of you. Thank you for your "thank you's" but I hope you know that I was more than happy to help. I've really enjoyed it and hope that you will continue to let me help out in any way that I can!

Way to go, sis!

Anonymous said...

Your room looks AWESOME Mrs. Curtis!!!! You guys have done sook Great! Wish I had a child to be in your class!!! Good luck with your first day!! Love you tons!!

Unknown said...

Rosie, your room looks so cheerful and cool! Good job, I know that you are going to be such a wonderful teacher. You are going to touch so many little lives in miraculous ways. Way to go!!!

The Barton Bunch said...

YAY! Your room looks amazing! I am so excited for you. I know you will be a wonderful teacher. Thanks for coming with us to TGI Fridays and we will probably see you again this weekend. Love you guys!