Thursday, April 16, 2009


I know, I know, all my blog entries start off with how I'm still alive and how I haven't posted anything in a really long time. Well, here I go again.

I'm still alive and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a really, really, really,long time. I just haven't been in a blogging mood. I still am a faithful reader and check all the blogs each day. I just haven't had any super exciting news to share. I haven't recently had a baby like Amanda. I'm not pregnant and going to find out the gender of the baby, like Mike and Becky. I've just been doing the same thing every day.

I'm grateful that this past week has been spring break at school. My patience was running thin with all the events that have taken place in my classroom with crying.I was really looking forward to some rest. I must admit I was a little disappointed to wake up to this today. I had to steal the picture off mom's facebook page.

I have used this week off to rest, clean up the house, and prepare for girls camp that is less then 2 months away.

Overall, Mark and I have been doing great. We have been slowly looking for homes and trying to get things in order to hopefully be in a new place by the end of the summer. Mark is still working with Taylor and he really enjoys his new field of work. We just got a letter informing us that he has been selected to be interviewed for a scholarship, and we are hoping he can get the scholarship and start school this fall.

As always I will end my post with the promise to try and be better at blogging but I can't promise anything.