Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Chirp Chirp!

It all started on Saturday when we weren't getting any hot water in the shower. I hoped in the shower on Saturday morning to find that there was only cold water. Now I used to have this problem of cold showers growing up in a family of five and if I was the last to shower on a particular day then I was doomed to have a cold shower, but when there are just two people in a house with two water heaters you tend to be a little surprised when this happens to you. After some screaming in the shower on my end Mark headed outside to look in our air vents. Sure enough there was a bird’s nest tucked away in the hole. Mark got a couple of hanger and stretched them out to get the nest out. Not only was he able to get the nest out but he also knocked out two baby birds. Problem solved right? Wrong!

On Monday night we noticed some chirping near the air conditioner. We didn't think much of the chirping because they uncovered our air conditioner on Saturday so we just thought that because of this we could just hear the birds chirping outside better. The only problem was the chirping didn't go away. We turned on the air conditioner and they still chirped. As we investigated the chirping a little more we realized the noise became louder when we opened the washroom doors. We soon discovered that the Birds had crawled into the dryer vent from outside and made their way to the middle of our house and nested the dryer vent.

We called our land lady to see who we need to call to have this taken care of. We weren't sure if this was the responsibility of her or are HOA. She gave me an e-mail address of the management guy and told me to keep her in touch. I didn't like that answer so I called the HOA president, and he told me that because they were in our house they were our problem. We got out our hook again and pulled out some more nest and feathers. The chirping soon stopped so we figured the birds had flown away. We borrowed a shop vac from our neighbor Kory to see if we could vacuum up the last of their remains and maybe a bird if it was still in there. We also blocked off the vent so they wouldn't return.

That night I didn't sleep very well and I tossed and turned. I began to hear a weird noise outside and I woke Mark up at about 7 am to see if he knew what it was. He heard the noise too so he go up to open our bedroom do just to hear the sound of chirping birds in the ceiling again! The weird noise I heard was the parents trying to get into the vent again to get to their babies. They were hitting the side of the house. So at 7 o'clock in the morning this was Marks plan of attack!
(Click ont he film strip to watch the movie)

After about an hour we saw a bird jump out of the hole outside. We no longer heard chirping so we sealed the hole up again and we went to work. When I got home again around 2 I heard chirping the minute I walked into the door. I called Mark immediately. He already knew and had put a piece of bread at the end of the pipe that was in our washroom to try a lure him out. So I sat in our house this afternoon reading a book and listening to a bird chirp. Needles to say, by the time Mark got home I was ready to scream. I wanted the stupid bird out. We could hear it inch its way closer to the food but it just wasn’t brave enough to go for it. So we decided to try a new plan of attack. After two more holes in the ceiling we were finally able to corner him.

I truly enjoyed walking into the back room to find my husband’s head in the ceiling.

He was able to take a picture of our new friend. After about another hour and one more hole in our ceiling the bird was out. The chirping has stopped and I am very grateful. But now, I have four holes in my ceiling. I would be upset but Mark assured me he could fix them. In the mean time I have vowed to never own a bird as a pet for the rest of my life.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Day at the SPA

WOW! What a day! A day at the spa can really help you relax. For graduation my dear sister Amanda gave me a gift certificate for the new spa in Lehi, Journeys End. I was very excited but a little scared to go by myself. I was thrilled when I found out that Erica's husband Shannan had given her a gift certificate to go with me! So last week we found a day we both could go and made our reservations for the Journeys End pedicure and manicure. I had no idea I could enjoy so much some playing with my feet.

We arrived at the spa early and they led us out to their back patio to relax until they were ready for us. While we waited they brought us a drink and a little snack to enjoy. We sat out there just visiting and enjoying this moment of peace. As time went on I began to hear a tractor in the distance. I made the comment to Erica, "This was relaxing until that noise started." We laughed and then all of the sudden here came the tractor right where we were sitting. The man running the tractor was digging a hole for the fence. Although we wouldn't have minded a young handsome young man out there to fan us with a leaf and feed us grapes, we were not expecting the middle aged construction worker with his two padres. Luckily we were able to go inside and begin our pedicures.

The atmosphere was very relaxing and the ladies that worked on us were very friendly. It was so nice to just sit back and just enjoy the peace. I have never had a manicure or a pedicure before and I loved every minute of it. I think I could get used to going back again and again for the same treatment. Next time I think I'll go for a message!

I had a total blast and I was very excited I could do it with Erica. I was very thankful for one more girl’s day out with just the two of us. I don’t know what I'm going to do with out here.

Here are some of the pictures from our outing and the before and after pictures of my hands and feet. Thanks again Amanda! Now I think we need to go together!


Thursday, May 1, 2008

1st Grade

I got the call I have been waiting for yesterday morning. The Principal of Northdridge Elementary called to offer me the 1st grade position I had interviewed for. I of course accepted! I just hope I can be a great teacher! I have some great teachers to live up to. One of those teacher would have to be Mrs. MacKay my first grade teacher:
I remember three distinct things about Mrs. Mackay, one, she read us the book The Wizard of Oz after recess every day. I didn't know it was a book I just thought it was a movie. The book she read from seemed like it was a giant book and it had neat pictures every so often. I have since bought a copy of The Wizard of Oz. I just can't find a large copy of it.

Another thing I remember was, one day during school we had a big rain and thunder storm. Our classroom had one wall that was entirely windows. Mrs. Mackay gathered us all over by the windows and while we watched for lighting and listened to the thunder and rain she read us the book Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco That was a neat day. (I need to buy that book.)

My final memory of her is kinda funny. I remember that she always seemed to make me sit next to Sean. Sean was the class clown and was always getting in trouble. Well when ever Sean would misbehave Mrs Mackay would take the pointer stick with the large wooden apple on one end (ironically I gave her this pointer stick for Christmas)and hit the desk to scare him and to get him back on task. I was always afraid she was going to hit me or miss and get my fingers. I think this discipline tactic did a better job scaring me then it did getting Sean in line.

The other interesting thing about Mrs Mackay is we shared the same first name. I thought that was sooo cool.

My other great teacher is Miss Honey from Matilda. I mean you can't beat Miss Honey.

I am sure I could name over 100 more great 1st grade teachers and just teachers in general. I have a lot to live up to, that's for sure.