Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Book Tag

Amanda tagged me.

Here it is:

Pick up the nearest book.
Turn to page 123
Post the fifth sentence
Tag 5 friends.

"Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Thy God."

Are computer is right next to the bookshelf with all of Mark's books from his mission. So I closed my eyes and graped one. I haven't read this book yet but its on my list of want to reads.
I'm reading right now the newest book by Dean Hughes, Before the Dawn. Its good so far.

I tag: Erica, Becky, Lindsey W, Nancy, and Heather!


The Barton Bunch said...

Sorry Rosie...I do not own a book that has that many pages and I don't have one at work either. Too bad! ;) I am so excited to see you guys in a few days! YAY!

Anonymous said...

Rosie you need a new post. we need to know whats new in your life.

Sue's Kitchen said...

There you go Miss Rosie. There are two new recipe's mom

Lindsey said...

I got your email....I haven't decided to go private yet, but if i do i'll let ya know!!!

Amanda said...

A new post Puh...leeze! Please, please, please!

I'm tired of looking at that book tag thing.

Here are some ideas:
*Graduation preparation
*House hunting
*Your recent trip to the bustling metropolis of Aurora, UT
*Your desert picnic yesterday
*An amusing anecdote from Seagull Book Store
*How absolutely awesome your sister is!
*Write about nothing... just write SOMETHING!