Thursday, October 25, 2007

A haircut tutorial

After reading Mike & Becky's latest blog entry, we decide that Mike could use a little help from Mark. You see if you haven't checked out Mike & Becky's Blog yet you need to. Mike tried giving himself a haircut, which didn't turn out as well as he had hoped. So when Mark said he was going to cut his hair tonight I got a really great idea, why not make a how-to slide show to help Mike out and many other men out there that may be, well let say, haircut challenged. So here you go, just make sure you start watching from the first slide the one titled "before" we don't want to cause any confusion (Mike).
No need to thank me. I just don’t want you to have to wear a hat or beanie for the rest of your life.


Anonymous said...

Hey Rosie very good work on the pictures not one had you in them. But I should say very good work Mark! I don't know how you do that your self. hey Mark was that your touge trying peek out in one of those pictures. LOLO
Mom Proctor

Anonymous said...

when are you ever going to do a real post other then these old dumb ones write about whats up in your lives you need to stay caught up on these things for heaven sake gubber love ya

Amanda said...

I'm "tagging" you. See my latest post for details.