Monday, October 4, 2010

Happy Halloween

Hopefully more pictures will come soon! I am working on Parent teacher conferences. Until then enjoy.


Amanda said...

"'Hopefully' more pictures will come soon"??? What's this "hopefully"?? Are you waiting for the picture/blog fairy to show up?

I want to see some new pictures of Ellie. DO IT!!

Lisa said...

Did you really paint Ellie's face or did you do it with photoshop?

Rosie said...

It was done with the computer Lisa.
Amanda I am waiting for the blog Fairy to come and blog, and the Housework fairy to come and clean, and the Laundry Fairy to come and do the laundry. If you know where they are send them my way!

Alyse and Bob said...

I can't believe how big she is! Ellie is darling! Are you still teaching full time? Hope all is going well!

Lisa said...

Send those Fairies my way if they ever make it to your house...although, I'm pretty ok with the blog thing. It's all the other stuff that I need help with! :)

Anonymous said...

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