Thursday, March 6, 2008

Apparently I Can Make Anything Interesting!

Sorry it has taken me a while to write something new on my blog. Both Mark and I have been busy with work and school. I feel like all we do is work and sleep. I haven't posted anything because I haven't known what to post about.

I was talking to Amanda tonight and she wanted to know when I was going to put a new post up? I told her I didn't know because nothing exciting has really happened. The most exciting thing we did last night was go through the Taco Bell drive through for a carmel apple empanada. She informed me that I can make anything interesting as long as I write about it. I told her that I needed pictures to add to the post. She suggested I take a picture of my empanada. That would be a bit of a problem since I ate it the night before. So she suggested I take a picture of the wrapper but I always try to give a hoot and not pollute so, I threw it away. She was all out of suggestions at this point and ended our conversation by saying, "Just put something new on your blog."

So I decided I would start tonight to turn over a new leaf and but something new on my blog. Tonight was the first night in a long time and the first night this week that Mark and I had no plans. Mark came home at his normal time and we decided to run down to grandmas and put away her Christmas tree that she asked us to put away awhile ago. We visited with grandma for a little while. When we got ready to leave I noticed that her atomic clock in her hall was not working. The screen was completely blank. I asked her if the battery needed to be changed and that was why the screen was blank. She informed us that it wasn't the battery that was the problem it was because the government shot down the satellite a few weeks ago. That sounded a little strange to both Mark and I so we both looked at her and said, "What?" She informed us that the clock quit working about the same time the government had to shoot down the satellite . I took the clock down and put a set of new batteries in the clock and Mark reset the clock so I would work again and VOILA! It works again! Grandma was excited to know that it was just a faulty battery.
We came home from Grandmas and barbaqued a hamburger for dinner. We watched the end of American Idol and then we got interested in the new show that followed called New Amsterdam (What a strange show!)

Don't worry Mark is not really asleep he just wishes he was. Usually it is the other way around. I want to watch a movie and within the first ten minutes I'm out cold.

Lately I have had a craving for sweets (this was the reason for the late night Taco Bell run last night for and empanada.) I am always in the mood for something chocolate or sweet. ( I know what some of you are thinking with all this baby talk going on and the answer is NO!!! And yes I am sure about that. I have had some health problems and the doctor ran all the tests and they all came back negative. I am just my fathes daughter and there are soem times when I just get a craving for something sweet or just some ice cream.) I mixed up an Oreo desseret tonight and Mark and I were able to enjoy this while we watched T.V. It was very nice to have a relaxing evening for once. I'm hoping to have more of those in a couple of weeks as I finish up student teaching and get ready to graduate in about a month.

Oh just to give everyone a recap on what happened last week, Mark put his Beretta on KSL cars a couple of weeks ago, and we sold it offically on Saturday. Mark was sad to see it go but says he is glad to see it out of Ben's backyard and back on the streets again. The kid who bought it hopes to fix it up and use it as a show car.

Speaking of car shows Mark and I attended the Autorama last Friday at the South Town Expo Center. There were some nice cars and we enjoyed ourselves but Mark said that the show wasn't as good as it has been in years past. I don't know about that though, in years past they didn't have Lightning McQueen on display. That was the highlight of my evening!


Anonymous said...
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Amanda said...

Holy Crap! A new post!! Way to go Rosie. It was enlightning, informative, and entertaining! I'll look forward to the next one... what, in about another month?!

The Proctors said...

Oh, those satellites being shot down, they cause so many problems. Glad you and Mark had a chance to relax, there are times that I relax when I should be doing something else, like homework, and I don't really care.

The Barton Bunch said...

I am so out of the loop...I didn't know Mark sold the Beretta. Okay, well I hope you guys have some free time this weekend because we are coming up to get that truck (I think) and I have a date with PretzelMaker bites and you are invited. :) -K- have a good rest of the week!!