Ellie arrived 11 days early. I thought for sure she would arrive late. With how stubborn she was when it came to finding out her gender I thought she would be stubborn again and come into this world late. Her delivery was not anything like I thought it would be.
Early Monday morning I woke up with some heavy cramps. I lay in bed trying to ignore them but they continued to be pretty consistent. I decided that I better get up and time the contractions and get a sub plan ready if this was the real thing. I got my sub plans ready and e-mailed out to a co-teacher. Then contractions were not painful but consistent. I decided that I better wake up Mark and go to the hospital to get checked out before Mark went to work. I didn’t want to send Mark to work just to call a few hours later to tell him I was in labor. So we loaded up and headed to the hospital.
We got to the hospital and they hooked me up to all the machines and checked me. I was barley dilated maybe a fingertip open. We waited for an hour to see if I would make any progress. An hour later they checked me again and I still only a fingertip. They sent me home and I was crushed. The minute you head to the hospital, you get your hopes up. I was tired and depressed so I decided to stay at home instead of going into work. I knew that if I stayed home I could induce labor. I had no such luck.
The next day I went back to work very depressed and embarrassed. I decided to use the day to prepare for substitutes just in case Ellie decided to make her debut early. By the end of the day I had lesson plans prepared and ready for a week and a half. I told Mark that because I did this she would come a week late.
That night Mark and I went to visit our friend Sara, who had her baby that morning. Sara was due 5 days before me. As we were visiting with her we joked about how Ellie needed to come out so she could share a birthday with Miranda.
Later that evening as I was preparing dinner I started to get contractions again. I had Mark keep track of how far apart they were. At 9 o’clock the contractions were 6 minutes apart and getting pretty painful. So we loaded up the car again and headed to the hospital because this had to be the real deal.
Once again they hooked me up to the monitors and checked me. Once again, I was barely dilated, maybe a fingertip. They kept me there for an hour to see if anything changed. After an hour nothing had changed. I was headed home again. This time they gave me a painkiller before I left. The nurse said if I still had contractions while on this painkiller then I was in labor. I told Mark I wasn’t going to come back to the hospital unless my water broke or the baby was falling out.
We went home and went to bed. At around 2 am I woke up in pain. I was very frustrated because I kept getting pain but it wasn’t labor. I thought for sure that the pain must be something else like gas. So I got up and took something for gas and tried to go back to bed. The pain kept coming. I couldn’t sleep and I couldn’t hold still. So instead of keeping Mark up with my squirming I got up and sat in the front room.
The pain kept coming. It got worse and worse. I couldn’t stand sitting in the recliner, or laying down. I started to walk around the kitchen. Pretty soon all I could do was cry. I didn’t understand why I was in so much pain I was on painkillers. I decided to call the doctor. The doctor asked me how far apart the pain was and I couldn’t tell him because I wasn’t keeping track. He kind of blew it off making me feel like it was just false labor and I was an over anxious new mom. He told me to wait about 2 hours and if the pain became more frequent or more intense go to the hospital. He also told me to try a bath.
I hung up frustrated and in pain. I kept walking and crying. The pain became so intense that all I could do to get my mind off the pain was to walk and sing. I would sing anything that came to my mind, from Christmas carols to hymns. Poor Mark, was in the bedroom trying to sleep during my personal concert.
I couldn’t take the pain any more so I went into the bedroom and asked Mark if he would give me a blessing. Mark got up and gave me the blessing. He asked me if we needed to go to the hospital, I told him no because they would just send me home. He went back to lying down and I started screaming. I tried the warm bath and I couldn’t relax enough to enjoy it. Mark came into the bathroom to help me at one point and I started to scream at him when he told me to relax. It was at this point I decided to keep track of the contractions. I started to time the pain and it was coming every 2 minutes.
I went into the bedroom and told Mark we needed to go to the hospital. The pain was coming every 2 minutes and they couldn’t possibly send me home in this much pain. So Mark loaded up the car yet again and we headed off. Mark would drive faster with every contraction I would have. All I could do was grab the door handle and scream every 2 minutes. I swear we stopped at every red light. That was the longest ride of my life.
We got to the hospital and Mark left the car running and took me into the hospital. We walked in and I was screaming. The nurse immediately called for a room. Mark gave the nurse my bag and left to take care of the car. The nurse walked me into labor and delivery and all the nurses rushed in the room to help.
When I got in to room all I could do was scream give me something for the pain. The nurses started helping me get my clothes off so they could check me. When they finally checked me I was dilated to 6. They then called in the anesthesiologist to give me my epidural.
During that time I know I scream a lot. At one point I remember telling the nurse I was sorry and I really was a nice person. The anesthesiologist got the epidural in and life started to look a little brighter. After it kicked in I was able to think clearly and relax. After things calmed down they checked me again and I was dilated to an 8.
After about an hour or two I dilated to a 10. They checked the baby to see if she was turned the right way. The nurse thought she was but wanted the doctor to check. The doctor came in and found that Ellie was posterior. He talked with us and we discussed turning her before we started pushing. We decided to try turning her. He attempted to turn her. Every time the doctor would get her turned he would let go and she would turn back. So we started to attempt pushing.
I pushed for 2 hours and I only made a little bit of progress. The doctor came in again and we tried to turn her again but she just turned back. Ellie was not coming down the birth canal. The doctor said I could continue pushing for a few more minutes to see if I could get her down a little further and then he could try and help her out with forceps. So I pushed for another hour. After 3 hours she still hadn’t made any progress.
I then had to make a big decision. I could attempt the forceps and take the risk of causing damage to me and maybe the baby but She was so far up that we could still have to take her c-section or I could just take her c-section.
I did not want a c-section but I was so tired. I had been up since 2am and I had just pushed for 3 hours and she made no progress. I decided to just stop and take her c-section. I didn’t want to try the forceps and cause some damage to me or to her just to have to have the c-section in the end.
So we started the process of getting ready for the c-section. Maybe 10 minutes later Ellie was out and crying. They put her in Mark’s arms, and he came over and let me see her for a moment and then they whisked her and Mark away to the nursery. The doctor stapled me together and then I went back to the labor and delivery room to wait for another hour for monitoring.
After an hour, they finally took me down to the mother and baby floor where Mark finally brought Ellie in and I was able to hold her for the first time.
Ellie is such a blessing. Her dad and I are so thankful to have her in our life.